Toolia - A free online toolbox

Toolia - A free online toolbox

a useful and FREE online toolbox. Image manipulation, PDF stuff, and many more

What is Toolia?

Inspired by Theo (YouTube-Link) I was wondering if I could provide value for strangers on the internet and not annoy everyone with a paywall or a massive advertisement overload. We have enough of this stuff on the internet. And coding is also supposed to be fun. So why not start a fun little project? This is basically why I started Toolia.
But this paragraph should tell you what it actually is, and that's simple: it is a collection of free to use (yes, also commercially) tools that might be handy for someone in some moment. My goal is to engage with the users, get to know their ideas for useful tools and then just build them. Why? Because I can.

Now go and check out 😉

My roles


Where can I find the source code?

Sorry to disappoint you, but at this point it is not open-source.
This might change in the future.

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